Climate change is one of the dominant issues of our time. Many governments worldwide and the scientific community seem to agree that climate change is primarily man-made. This is despite the fact that climate is a highly complex, non-linear, and chaotic system, and the predictions are all based on models whose accuracy is doubtful. Criticism of the climate crisis is viewed as denial or unscientific. Fear is being stirred up once again, rather than informed and debated, and once again the proposed solutions primarily involve centralism and global strategies, which could result in fewer freedoms for people and more control for governments. In my search for active scientists on this topic, I received many rejections due to the heated climate surrounding this issue. I continued searching and found the former professor of geological sciences at the University of Alabama, Dr. Matthew Wielicki. I spoke with him about global warming, human influence on it, the work of the World Climate Council, and what a scientific and realistic approach to the constantly changing climate might look like.

Biden wind energy projects 'economically not viable': Matt Wielicki

Substack's 'Irrational Fear' columnist Matt Wielicki discusses the cost and effectiveness of President Biden's climate agenda on 'The Bottom Line.'

On today's show, Earth science professor-in-exile Matthew Wielicki discusses climate scientism, ecoterrorism, geoengineering and more.

Earth science expert Matthew Wielicki discusses how climate hysteria is impacting America’s youth on ‘The Bottom Line.’

Dr Matthew Wielicki is a former asst professor in the department of geological sciences at uni of Alabama who completed his PhD in geochemistry, with a multitude of peer reviewed publications and as an Earth Science professor, there are few better placed to speak on our topic of today - climate change or climate alarmism. We speak about everything from overpopulation to natural disasters - data manipulation and whether going carbon neutral (or carbon negative) will have any long lasting implications! As well as that we dip a toe briefly into geoengineering! Tune in to find out more!

Dr. Matthew Wielicki recently made news when he announced that he would be leaving his tenure-track professorship in the Geological Sciences department of the University of Alabama. I talk with Dr. Wielicki about why he made this decision and how even the sciences are being corrupted by wokeness. We also discuss the hysteria surrounding climate alarmism.

University colleagues censoring themselves out of fear of retribution, resigning professor says

University of Alabama professor Matthew Wielicki says he is resigning because of a rise of ‘illiberalism in academia,’ particularly when it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.

The religion of climate change is based on faith and fear. We must have faith in the wisdom our priests and priestesses and we must fear the coming Armageddon, the retribution of a vengeful Gaia if their words are not heeded.

Thankfully there are plenty of heretics out there to nail some scientific sense to the door of the church of climate change in protest.

Dr. Matthew Wielicki, assistant professor in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Alabama, arms us with some facts, any one of which would expose the false religion of climate change, but when put together obliterate it and make a laughing stock out of its false prophets.

And now that we’ve almost milked the religion metaphor to death and probably offended every Catholic and Protestant reading this let's watch Dr. Wielicki show us the way, the truth, and the life we should enjoy once we dispel our unfounded fear of the climate change cult.

How self-censorship is destroying academia

University of Alabama professor, Dr. Matthew Wielicki, said self-censorship by college professors is moving education "away from the foundations of academia."

Cherise sits down with Dr. Matthew Wielicki to discuss his experiences as a professor at the University of Alabama as well as a geoscientist in the academy. Dr. Wielicki describes the challenges one faces when they resist or dissent from the woke dogma that was increasingly being forced upon all professionals in the field. Students and faculty are being told to prioritize DEI mandates over scientific research putting progress and education in STEM fields in jeopardy.

Dr Matthew Wielicki joins me on the Podcast today to discuss; Climate alarmism, the impacts of diversity equity and inclusion policies, earth sciences the origins of life and more.

Dr. Matthew M Wielicki is a research assistant professor in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Alabama.

Prior to his work at the University of Alabama, he was a post-doctoral research scientist in the Department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences and the Institute for Planets and Exoplanets at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Dr. Wielicki's research interests include conditions of early Earth during the initiation of life, constraining the amount of continental lithosphere through time; understanding the flux and timing of asteroids impacting the Earth-Moon system and the association with major extinction events; medical mineralogy and the evolution of the Himalaya and the Tibetan Plateau.

Dr. Wielicki also enjoys musing about climate on social media.

Dr. Matthew Wielicki, an earth sciences professor at The University of Alabama, discusses the campus' diversity, equity and inclusion push that contributed to his decision to leave.

Climate alarmism is 'robbing' students of hope, ambition, earth science professor says

University of Alabama assistant professor Dr. Matthew Wielicki discusses the impact that making decisions based on equity inclusion have on education at institutions on ‘The Bottom Line.’

Dr. Matthew M Wielicki is a research assistant professor in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Alabama.

Prior to his work at the University of Alabama, he was a post-doctoral research scientist in the Department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences and the Institute for Planets and Exoplanets at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Dr. Wielicki's research interests include conditions of early Earth during the initiation of life, constraining the amount of continental lithosphere through time; understanding the flux and timing of asteroids impacting the Earth-Moon system and the association with major extinction events; medical mineralogy and the evolution of the Himalaya and the Tibetan Plateau. Dr. Wielicki also enjoys musing about climate on social media.

This podcast discusses climate change and questions the absurdity of the dangers of climate change.

University of Alabama professor leaves due to ‘obsession’ to push equity in science: ‘Rise of illiberalism’

AGU Press Conference on Kidney Stone research

Earth Magazine quote about the formation conditions of Hadean zircon.


American Mineralogist: Journal of Earth and Planetary Science noted paper. 

"On page 1348 of this issue, Harrison and Wielicki examine 4.4 Ga zircons that appear to have formed from nearly water-saturated conditions, at low temperatures of ca. 680C. But they also show that Tertiary age granites in the Himalaya, formed by under-thrusting of the Indian plate beneath Asia, yield similar temperatures (ca. 660C). Moreover, these granites share more than a thermal history – both the ancient and more recently formed zircons contain inclusions that yield similar pressures, or 5-15 kbar. Two aspects of these results are remarkable, and highly significant; the first is that if nothing else, the Hadean exhibited, at least locally and for a time, a modern-like continental geotherm, effectively equivalent to a Miocene case (at ca. 25C/km). Second, to the extent that P-T conditions are indicative, a similar tectonic setting for both systems is implied; and if the association holds, then active plate tectonics – including subduction – occurred from almost the inception of Earth’s history."


Links to media coverage of Goldschmidt 2014 presentation about a new age of the Popigai impact structure, Russia and the possible association to the Eocene-Oligocene mass extinction event.  

LiveScience article

Huffington post article

Discovery article

Filming The Weather Channel show 'Secrets of the Earth' with the binary impact demo.

Link to The Weather Channel episode: Secrets of the Earth - It Fell from Space featuring discussion with Dr. Matthew M. Wielicki

Secrets of the Earth - It Fell from Space

Link to me on The Space Cave Podcast with David Hunstberger talking planetary exploration over some nice Saison Ale

Episode one

Episode two

Uploaded by UCLA Institute for Planets and Exoplanets on 2015-02-03.